Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I Could Be Arrested For This...

Oak Creek (Wisconsin) High School teacher James Buss was recently arrested for a comment he made on the political blog site, Boots and Sabers. In the post at issue, Buss examines the flaws of the education system, focusing on his school district in West Bend, Wisconsin. He criticizes the high pay of teachers relative to their workload and argues that such disparity is unfair to students. Buss goes on to praise the Columbine High School students who, he argues, fought back against the system.

Local people disagree over whether Buss should be charged for disorderly conduct and use of communication systems in an unlawful manner.  Currently, he is suspended from teaching. Internet speech is largely unregulated by federal authority. Even if federal laws were enacted to regulate Internet speech, Buss's comments would likely find protection under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which protects the freedom of speech. Critics might condemn his opinions, but Buss does not necessarily pose an imminent threat as a result of his unconventional views.

Over the past decade, the United States has lived in a fabricated state of fear which has caused the American public to grow overly-sensitive to radical concepts. When fear reigns, our basic freedoms become neglected.  Every medium’s material is so analyzed that the real message is ignored.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Beauty of Advertising

While viewing Dove’s Onslaught YouTube video, I couldn't quite follow the company's marketing strategy. The message is admirable, but the underlying purpose remains the sale and promotion of beauty. I suspect that image issues would not prevail in our society so much if advertisers dwelt on beauty less.

Beauty products are advertised to convince every girl that she should look like a model--and that she can, with product assistance. As a beauty consumer, when I make purchase decisions, I inevitably consider the promise to be fulfilled, such as fuller, thicker, curlier, or longer lashes. While the product may not create the desired effect as advertised, we still invest in the beauty market as though it did.

Beauty companies also advertise product by reinforcing an image. Dove has altered their beauty campaigns by ‘campaigning for real beauty.’ The company moves to accommodate the modern American woman who holds various forms of beauty through different colors, shapes, and backgrounds. The image of Rimmel London exemplifies foreign beauty. The company deploys the slogan ‘the London look’ and reinforces women's sense that beauty is foreignness.

No matter whether Dove earns positive or negative press, the company will retain its market so long as we look for our beauty in a product.