Saturday, September 29, 2007

Mahmoud Amadinejad at Columbia University

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, former university professor and current President of Iran, did not receive a very warm welcome when he visited Columbia University last Monday. His Columbia speech focused on an unwelcome proposal for Holocaust research, and his larger intent was to visit Ground Zero.

Lee C. Bollinger, President of Columbia University, introduced Ahmadinejad somewhat disrespectfully. However, the major news outlets framed his disrespect as necessary to avoid public and media backlash.

Ahmadinejad’s call for continued research of the Holocaust was less concerning to me than his avowed intent to acquire an atomic program and the poor taste of his intended Ground Zero visit.

Officials refused Ahmadinejad’s access to Ground Zero because of suspicions that he has collaborated with terrorist groups in Iraq. Ahmadinejad exploited and mocked our free-speech rights by denouncing homosexuality, which he alleges is nonexistent in Iran. In reality, the Iranian government has executed its citizens due to their sexual orientation.

Ahmadinejad is afraid of the possibility of change among Iranian people. He sees human variation as a bad example for Iran; his fear has led him to consider drastic measures to ensure the ‘purity’ of his country.

Ahmadinejad's speech was enlightening as an example of official Iranian fear-mongering, especially with regards to sexual orientation. He certainly dd not improve foreign relations with the United States, instead opposing our core ideals of tolerance and acceptance of difference.

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